Established in 2008, Max Health™ has grown steadily since. Our foundation partner, Martindale Pharma, based in the UK, provides the core of our hospital injectable portfolio of products.  We have since augmented this with products from reputable suppliers across the world.

Extensive and detailed knowledge of the local regulatory and reimbursement sector has enabled Max Health™ to provide a seamless partnership solution for International pharmaceutical suppliers aiming for a presence in the NZ pharma market.  We have built from just a single product in 2009 to our current stable of over 40 products that we make available to our New Zealand customers.

We have recently doubled our staff numbers to meet the needs of our growing business. Each of our products meets a recognised need in its particular segment.

A strategic partnership with distributor Onelink facilitates fast and efficient delivery of these products to our hospital and wholesaler customers throughout the country.